This Discussion channel is currently closed.

The City of Santa Rosa is excited to offer this ongoing opportunity for you to provide input and ask questions about the Santa Rosa Roseland Specific Plan and Annexation projects. To make sure we understand your preferences and can respond to your requests, we invite you to respond to the questions below. 

La Ciudad de Santa Rosa se complace en ofrecer esta oportunidad seguida para que usted proporcione comentarios y haga preguntas acerca de los proyectos del Plan Específico y la anexión del área de Roseland.  Para asegurarnos de que entendemos sus preferencias y podamos responder a sus peticiones, lo invitamos a responder a las siguientes preguntas.

Where would you like to see new roads and pathways in the Roseland Area that would improve your ability to get around? Consider places that you regularly walk, bike, take the bus, or drive. Is there a direct path to your destination? Are there opportunities to directly connect to downtown? Are there sidewalks and bicycle lanes? Where do you see opportunities for better connections? Click here for the circulation preference map.

¿Dónde le gustaría ver nuevos caminos y vías en el Área de Roseland que mejoraría su capacidad de traslado? Considere lugares que usted camina con regularidad, conduce la bicicleta, toma el autobús, o anda en el carro. ¿Hay un camino directo a su destino? ¿Hay oportunidades para conectarse directamente al centro de la ciudad? ¿Hay aceras, banquetas y carriles para bicicletas? ¿Dónde ve oportunidades de mejores conexiones? Oprima aquí para ver del mapa de preferencia de circulación.


8 Responses

Christina Meyer over 8 years ago

Widen or change the Hearn overpass and Corby intersection for better traffic flow. Help the transit dept. develop a decent bus system for residents in Roseland area.

3 Votes
marilyn thomson over 8 years ago

I agree with Christina with an added caveat about the Hearn overpass; put in a separate bike path over or under Hearn. It is much too dangerous to ride your bike with the vehicle traffic. Also, both West and Dutton either need to be widened, parking restricted or a one-way system needs to be put into effect so that those streets are not so dangerous for bicycles and pedestrians.

1 Vote
Nicholas HaigArack over 8 years ago

Bicycle lanes running the length of Sebastopol Rd would be good. Secure bike racks for safe bike parking should also be considered.

4 Votes
Myron Siegel over 8 years ago

In Roseland: sidewalks, sidewalks and sidewalk repair major issue. Hearn overpass change is a great idea. Small buses running downtown at regular intervals from 2 or 3 central spots would be helpful. Bike lanes should continue to the traffic light and not disappear at major intersections the way they do. Consider giving incentives to families if their children walk or ride bikes to school (once the sidewalks are in & bike lanes are made safer.) Free bus passes to all students and senior citizens. Installation of safe bike racks at parks and other public spaces is another great idea.

4 Votes
Jim Bray over 8 years ago

Use the Roseland Creek foot print to create a walking/biking path that bisects the Roseland Community.

3 Votes
Arthur Deicke over 8 years ago

Complete walking paths for Roseland and Colgan Creeks. Improvements on Hearn Overpass, which are in planning. Dutton Avenue extended to Hearn Avenue.

2 Votes
Karen Kissler over 8 years ago

I'd like to see a requirement that new sidewalk construction in commercial areas must contain trees. Over time, many trees are drought-tolerant, provide shelter, add to our ecology, and beautify our neighborhood.

1 Vote
Irene B over 8 years ago

All great ideas about encouraging more walking/biking! In conjunction with incentives for folks to bus, walk, and bike, it'd be great if there were opportunities to volunteer and be directly involved with these projects, such as the tree-planting idea. We're lucky to live in a uniquely beautiful and historic part of town, and community involvement is key to fostering current and future stewardship of this special neighborhood.

0 Votes