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We are working on developing our budget for fiscal year 2014/2015 and need your input!

Estamos trabajando en el desarrollo de nuestro presupuesto para el año fiscal 2014/2015 y queremos conocer sus opiniones.

Public input is important to the City as we begin preparing the FY 2014/15 budget. There are numerous ways for the public to provide input on the budget process including; using the Finance Department's online budget comment link, contacting staff and City Council members via e-mail or letter, attending the annual public hearing on budget priorities, attending City Council meetings, etc.

Please review the program descriptions link and then proceed to the online survey. So that you understand what the survey questions are referring to, it is important to read about the programs prior to completing the survey.

View our City Budget for current and past years here. / Ver nuestra Presupuesto la ciudad por año presentes y pasadas años aquí.

La opinión del público es importante para la ciudad al comenzar la preparación del presupuesto del año fiscal 2014/15. Hay muchas maneras para que el público a participar en el proceso presupuestario, incluyendo: el uso de línea de enlace comentario presupuesto del Departamento de Finanzas, en contacto con el personal y los miembros del Concejo Municipal a través de correo electrónico o una carta, de asistir a la audiencia pública anual sobre las prioridades presupuestarias, atendiendo Consejo de la Ciudad reuniones, etc.

Por favor revise el enlace de descripciones de los programas y luego proceder a la encuesta en línea. Así que usted entiende lo que las preguntas de la encuesta se refieren a, es importante leer acerca de los programas antes de completar la encuesta.


Are there any other ideas or suggestions you have involving the City's budget? Do you have budget priorities for other Departments? This is your place to give input and make suggestions for how we can include the community in the budget process.

1 Responses

Denise Hill about 10 years ago

Since you have pictured the Round Barn, it should be free to the West End neighborhood for their 2X/year meetings. Folks from both the West End and St. Rose neighborhood were asked by the City to attend the meeting in Sacramento that resulted in the funding to restore the Round Barn. Now the City wants to repay the neighborhood by charging them to use the Round Barn. This is a misstep in a big way and hopefully the city realizes it and will change their position. Other funding priorities: Community Engagement Program Pedestrian/Bicycle Connector over Hwy 101 Downtown and Railroad Square maintenance (weeds, steam clean sidewalks, replace tagged and vandalized garbage cans) Santa Rosa Historical Society's efforts to promote/preserve our cultural heritage in conjunction with the city's upcoming 150th celebration.

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